Many of you will have noticed that work has begun on HWY 14 between Sooke and Luxton.
We will not be having bike lanes all the way, but here is what will be happening as per Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure;
The Asphalt Resurfacing contract which is about to get underway will be focused on specific areas which the ministry has identified for asphalt resurfacing. In these locations shoulder widths suitable for the area will be constructed or rehabilitated as needed. The areas under the current Major Works contract are;
· Fullerton Road to west of Luxton Rd.
o 2 meter paved shoulder
· Gillispie Road intersection area
o 1.5 meter paved shoulder
· Ludlow Rd (Coopers Cove) to Kaltasin Rd
o 1.5 meter paved shoulder
· Kaltasin Rd to Charters Rd
o 1.8 meter paved shoulder
At the approaches to Sooke River Bridge the following improvements are planned;
· Asphalt shoulder to be widened to 1.8 meters in width, the most noticeable improvement in this location will be seen east bound from the bridge to the bus pull out near the new park-n-ride where there currently there is little to no existing shoulder.
· Replacement of the existing low concrete roadside barrier at the approaches with a newer standard Concrete Roadside Barrier with proper approach flares/offsets approaching the bridge.
· The project has requested advice on and will implement additional signing which will alert both cyclist and drivers that the shoulders are narrowing at the bridge and to alert drivers to watch for cyclists.
I have also requested that the drainage grates on the bridge be fixed, since the way they are now, they can easily catch a cyclists tire. This will be looked after when the paving contract is complete.