The Juan De Fuca Cycle Coalition is a local chapter of the British Columbia Cycle Coalition (BCCC) representing cycle interests in the area of Southern Vancouver Island from Metchosin to Sooke & Port Renfrew.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Park N Ride Bike Boxes are Here!
We now have secure storage for up to 4 bikes at the Sooke Park N Ride. Rental is $10/Month, and you get your own key. Anyone interested contact JDF Cycle Coalition via email or phone.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Proposal to BC Transit
Here is a link to the proposals that we are presenting.
Please take the time to read them, then if you support these proposals, print, fill out and sign the Letter of Support, and then scan and email back to or send via snail-mail. Alternatively, you can post the Petition at you place of work, and get many people to sign. That can be sent back via email as well, or contact Stephen to arrange a pick up. I would like to have all our names back by the 1st week of March.
Note; If you want to print any of these documents, it is better to download them to get the proper formatting as a Word Document. (Google Docs loses some of the formatting)
Juan De Fuca Cycling Coalition
2179 Henlyn Dr.
Sooke, BC V9Z 0N5
The more people we have showing support for this, the more likely it will happen. These initiatives have benefits for all communities served by BC Transit
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Age of Stupid at Sooke Awareness Film Night Feb 17th
The term ‘peak oil’ is the buzz word that has been gathering attention from circles as diverse as environmentalists and big business. It’s a future whose reality will soon be upon us. The February Awareness Film Night will take us in for a deeper look at both the ramifications and possibilities. ‘The Age of Stupid’ is being co-sponsored by the Juan de Fuca Cycling Coalition. This film is a hindsight look at global warming. The film takes place in a futuristic world (2055), a world that didn’t heed the warnings of global scientists. Our narrator shows us the path that led to the catastrophic effects of global warming using a series of vignettes; a string of news clips and reports from modern day. All strung together these vignettes give a portrait of a convoluted issue, revealing the social, political and environmental issues that surround our oil dependence. It’s not just a matter of turning off the carbon tap; it’s redefining how the global village interacts.
The Juan de Fuca Cycling Coalition sees some definite opportunities for cycling in new and old forms taking a role in adapting to more sustainable transportation. Taking a closer look at the possibilities the future holds, the intent is to bring together concerns for the age beyond peak oil and ideas for sustainable communities. Armed with knowledge and ideas, we can in fact create a future to bestow upon our children with deep pride. We're in the very enviable position of having Guy Dauncey speak after the film. Guy is sought after as a keynote speaker globally. You'll understand why when you hear his presentation. It's called profound insight and the ability to stir people’s deepest dreams into action. This film leaves one with a feeling of being overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude and complexity of an issue that’s rocketing the planet ever closer to the point of no return. Guy Dauncey's talk and his inspiring vision replaces the sense of overwhelm with concrete initiatives and fills us with the strength of a vision that can take us beyond the tipping point into a bold new world that has broken it’s fossil fuel bonds. A packed theater and attendance by our community leaders for fruitful discussion afterwards is something to look forward to.
Guy’s new book; The Climate Challenge; 101 Solutions to Global Warming will also be available at the film presentation.
EMCS Theater, Sooke.
Wednesday, Feb.17, 2010
Admission by donation.
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